Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God is Good

God always seems to give you what you need when you need it. Ever since we took our three week trip back home to Indiana, Adalyn hasnt slep AT ALL! Her schedule is all out of whack and it seems like its impossible to get her back on track. Luckily, laura came to my facebook rescue! I just ordered Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Baby from ebay thanks to her advice. I never knew you could get used books for such a great price! I paid $1.04 for the book so lets hope it isnt in too bad of condition when it gets here. Laura messaged me right when I needed it. Funny how God does that huh?! Since Scott has been on nights he sleeps during the day so getting to talk and get my feelings out doesn't happen very much anymore. My poor mom has to listen to me vent 20 minutes at a time throughout the week because I just need to relieve some stress. I'm sure half the stuff I tell her about is meaningless jabber but it's nice to have someone to just listen sometimes.

Anywho, I am looking forward to reading the book and getting little miss back on a schedule. She's growing up so fast. She'll be walking before we know it!

I turned my back for a minute and she's rolled up in the rug! Can't take my eyes off of her these days.

Haming it up her her zebra jammies! They are so soft she just loves them. Thanks grandma and Aunt Jaime!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that either. I'll be looking there before amazon from now on.

    I'm glad I said something. I'm always hesitant too. Good luck with everything and hopefully we keep talking!

    Adalyn is beyond beautiful, just like her mama!
