Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Halloween!

October has been a busy month for us! Well for me anyway. We finally got the internet at our new house and I have been able to work on my schooling again. I have until the end of January to finish and it's definately a chore with little miss Adalyn. We are such lucky parents because she's such a good baby. I get a few hours in during the day and stay up later at night to get some more work done. Scott is currently on mids so he works from 11pm to 7am. We havent gotten to see him much because he sleeps all day but we are so proud of his accomplishments! This month's milestones for Adalyn include: ROLLING OVER!! and over :-), pushing the musical buttons on her own, attempting to crawl, she can get her socks off like it's nobody's business and she found her feet! Sitting up here we come! Everyone has told me since she holds on to her feet she'll soon be sitting up on her own. I have learned, however, Adalyn does what Adalyn wants to do when Adalyn wants to do it! She is definately little miss independent. Next weekend she will be sporting a super cute cow costume for trick-or-treating. We will make sure to take plenty of pictures for everyone! Thank you to Grandma Soni for the baby's first halloween card. She tried to eat it all evening after we read it to her! The following weekend we ventured down to the lake of the ozarks outlet mall and went shopping. Mommy weight still isnt gone so shopping for myself is a bit of a downer, but I do love to shop for our little girl! She got a few new outfits and in size 9 and 12 months no less! She is growing like a weed. By christmas time she'll probably be in 12 or 18 month clothes! We can't wait to come home for the Holidays and look forward to seeing everyone. Countdown to good food and family: 1 MONTH!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Little miss Adalyn had her 4 month well baby check-up today. She weighs 17lbs 3oz and is 25 1/4inches long!! She is in the 95% for her height and 90% for weight. HELLO SUPERMODEL! We sure have a tall one on our hands. I have resorted to buying clothes by the weight recommendations and not the months. We went to the Carter's outlet the other day and she's now in 9 MONTH clothes. By christmas time I'll probabyl end up buying 12 MONTH stuff!! Today she started to master the art of rolling over. Thats a lot of weight to move all by yourself and she gets her face stuck on the blanket, but she is mastering it one tug at a time. I got so excited when I saw her almost all the way over that it scared her and she stopped. SILLY MOMMY! The nurse almost died when I told her she sleeps for 12 hours at night. We sure are some lucky parents! Adalyn goes down around 7:30-8ish and wakes around the same time. I dont know how she sleeps through all the noise. Here in Windsor at our new house they are installing a new water main and its going right through our front yard. The street we live on is SR 52 which connects Sedalia and Clinton so traffic is pretty heavy even at night. Semis are a 24hr occurance. Now they have this giant metal thing in the road right outside the house to cover a hole and everyone has to drive over it. It sounds like they are about to drive right through the house! It's a good thing I taught her to sleep through sound from day one. The doctor could still hear her heart murmur and continues to say its not a big deal. We go back to cardiology in KC the 1st of December to check our her hypoplasia again. Hopefully this time we'll get cleared and no furthur action will have to take place. Prayers for that please! We are looking forward to the pumpkin patch this weekend and adalyn's first pumpkin carving :) Pictures will be posted soon after. Thanks for stopping by! Remember, babies aren't fat they're just healthy!

Monday, October 4, 2010

"Oh Say Can You See..."

Daddy finally got his stripe! Congratulations to my amazing husband who is now SSgt Marchbank. We are so very proud of him and he worked harder than any other person in the Air Force to get this recent promotion. Scott invited Adalyn and I to attend the promotion ceremony last week. I really wanted to go and he said it was alright to bring Adalyn. The ceremony was at 3:30pm and he told us to arrive early to make sure we got a seat. We got to the club around 3:10 and there were already people claiming their spots. After adalyns morning nap I kept her up thinking she'd fall asleep in the car on the way and take her afternoon nap while the ceremony was going on. BOY was I wrong. She woke up on the way into the club and I tried to rock her back asleep in the carseat. That wasn't working so I let her sit on my lap. In the recent weeks she has learned she has a voice and loves to use that voice. Adalyn was doing so well until the singing of the National Anthem which is when she decided she would be the one to sing everyone the National Anthem. Needless to say we had to vacate the ballroom and watch the ceremony from afar. She talked the ENTIRE time the ceremony was going on. I would sneak over to watch through the glass door and the second she saw all the men and women in uniform, jabber jaws kicked back in! At one point she was "talking" and laughing so loud we had to actually go outside. We did however get to see daddy accept his award and get his picture taken with the General... through a glass door of course. Someone out in the lobby told me "You can't be mad at her for being happy!" Ain't that the truth. We have the most happy baby in the world and she continues to be such a blessing in our lives. We miss you all and cant wait to see you!