Monday, September 6, 2010

Battle of the B's

Bottle vs. Boob... really it's the only dilema I found myself caught in in the days leading up to Adalyn's arrival. Ultimately I chose to nurse because it was the healthiest option for the both mommy and baby. Nursing leads to faster weight loss and causes mom to watch what she puts in her body. Nursing is by no means the easiest thing I've ever done, but it does get easier as time goes on. The first few weeks I thought I was going to die if I had to keep pulling my boob out every hour on the hour. Not to mention the nipple guard I had to use was the most inconvenient part of it all. Washing it every hour and making sure it didn't leave my side on top of everything else us new moms have to deal with was exhausting. After a month and a half Adalyn didn't need the guard anymore and that was a glorious day. That was the day I got over the "hump". I believe with every mom there is a "hump" and once you get over that "hump" nursing can be one of the most beautiful experiences. If someone would have told me that two months ago I probably would have slapped them right across the face without even thinking. I never believed I would find myself saying this but I coudln't imagine doing it any other way. Don't be scared to give her some formula now and then. A lot of moms will supplement with a formula bottle or two to give themselves a break. I did this in the first two months with Adalyn and she took it very well. We used the wide nipple bottles and the transition was flawless. Now that we are on a schedule I try and give her as little formula as possible, but still take it with us on outings. Make sure to take it one day at a time and relish in the time you two have together. Support from friends and family is very important right now. Knowing that you aren't alone is a huge help. Join a group or talk about it with moms who are in the same boat as you. Even though it won't help you while you're feeding it sure helps to get it off your chest and know that you're not alone!! You can do it, I know you can!

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